
About Me

Hey there!

I am glad you stopped by Illness to Ultra.

If we haven’t met yet,

I’m Nick, a UESCA Ultra Running Coach who helps aspiring runners learn how to take a healthful approach to their training and races so they don’t crash and burn before they achieve their goals.

The love of running is a powerful force that is hard to ignore. The fact that you can carry yourself to a destination using only your body is empowering, invigorating and something that I never want to go away.

I also understand that if your health isn’t under control and your nutrition is poor, it will be that much harder to achieve your running goals – or any other goal, for that matter. 

Poor health is unsustainable. 

I learned this the hard way. 

As a seasoned runner who has experienced my own share of health setbacks, I know what it feels like to think your running goals are unachievable. Only 3 years ago, I was bed-ridden, fatigued, and suffering from an unknown illness that was later linked to an autoimmune disease.

For a couple of months,I wasn’t able to walk upstairs without help. I didn’t think I would get my normal life back, much less my running life. 

Taking the only avenue I knew, I started looking at improving my health from the inside out with the hope of getting back some resemblance of normalcy. My hobby becoming researching and learning everything about ultimate health and fitness. 

I’ve learned how you can improve and optimize your body when it is constantly working against you. 

The first step is restoring your gut health by establishing healthy habits that work for your body and your goals.

Since my illness first reared its ugly head, I’ve since run a half-marathon in France and a 30km peak traverse in the Front Ranges of Colorado. My ultimate running goal is to run and complete an ultra race. 

During my journey, I’ve discovered how many people – even fit athletes – are suffering from these same signs of poor health, yet they are normalizing how they feel because they no longer remember what it felt like to truly be healthy. 

I am here to help other aspiring runners to reach their goals – while keeping their health and nutrition top of mind for long term health. 

Does this mean I am fully healed and 100% normal? No. I still have the occasional bad days. But those days are fewer and farther in between now that I know what to do and look for.

What my journey has taught me is that optimizing your health is key. Maintaining healthy eating habits, paying attention to your own biology, and optimally moving your body will work together to help you to sustain your overall health and reach those running goals.

I want to help you build a running routine that works for you and for your health. 

Are you ready? Because I am.

When I’m not teaching others about running nutrition…

You can find me traveling the world full-time with my awesome wife (currently #vanlife style in the PNW). I’m also a pretty big coffee critic (organic, shade-grown, and natural Ethiopian beans only, please and thank you). I also enjoy a good Yerba Mate Or Roobois tea while I code (aka the day job).

When I’m not running, I am usually complaining about not running (you can ask the wife). From the mountains of the US and Morocco to the streets of Melbourne and Manchester, I prefer running to walking. I also prefer trails to road, but I’ll never complain as long as I get to run.

Now it’s your turn. I want to know about you!

Want to know where to start on Illness to Ultra? Here are some posts to try

Running Nutrition

Gradual Training Plan

Why Your Gut Health Is Your Most Important Weapon In Your Well-Being

What is an Autoimmune


What is an Ultra?

  • An ultra is a run that is over a marathon distance of 26.2 miles or 42.2 kilometers.

Why do you want to run an ultra?

  • It amazes me how very ordinary people can push their body into this epic achievement. I believe a goal like this is achievable by most people, even myself. It just takes time, practice, and discipline.

What autoimmune disease have you been diagnosed with?

  • Honestly, no doctor has been able to give me definitive answers. I have no diagnoses to date, but tests and assumptions of both myself and the many doctors I have seen point towards autoimmune. Having a diagnosis is not a green light for trying to achieve a healthier life. That needs to start long before any diagnosis happens. This could even prevent a diagnosis from ever needing to happen! 

Why do you know so much about your illness?

  • I was forced into a situation where I needed to perform research and expand my knowledge of my own body and symptoms. I feel there are many people out there living in the same situation, and I’d like this blog to be a catalyst for change for those unsure where to turn next. The only solution to stressful situations is to learn.

Why are you writing this blog about your illness to ultra journey?

  • Part of putting this blog out there is selfish. Ultimately, this blog is creating my accountability to ensure that I DO one day complete an ultra. The ulterior motive is to share the knowledge I gain. I have and will invest a lot of my time into research areas of chronic illnesses and autoimmune diseases. I’m hoping people reading the blog can bypass this lengthy process and attain some key actions they can take to live a healthier life.